March 31, 2025

4 thoughts on “Cornell Professor: Hiring Republicans Would Decrease Faculty Quality

  1. Tom Reynolds says:

    As Little and Bensel are government professors (I hesitate to say they “teach” government) they must be aware that they are carrying on a proud tradition. At one time, many “intellectuals”, (including Abraham Lincoln), believed that blacks / negroes / African-Americans were intellectually inferior to whites.

  2. Killing the Breeze (@KillingtheBreez) says:

    Diversity? The GOP is still Reagan’s Republican Party. Look at the GOP candidates’ stances on race and gender issues, and congressional representation.

  3. Emil T. Cipolla - BSME 61 / MSME 63 / MBA 63 says:

    Because CU is increasingly becoming the East Coast satellite of the progressive (Socialist?) UC Berkeley, many of my generation are no longer donating to CU. Will CU should hire the noted intellectuals Rev Wright, Bill Ayres, Bernadette Dorin, Al Franken, and Rep Grayeson ?
    WRT climate change – the faculty seems to forget that the climate has changed over the centuries – the issue is to what extent is man (and specifically the US is responsible, and what are the feasible cost effective solutions.

    Finally, the Far Left liberals define diversity by race, gender, and skin color – but not ideas. Ezra would be ashamed.

    1. Casey Breznick says:

      Mr. Cipolla, please email I would like to discuss more in depth your statements about not donating to Cornell. Thank you.

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