February 23, 2025

20 thoughts on “Cornell ‘Republicans’ Endorse Gary Johnson for President After Pressure from Cornell ‘Daily’ Sun

  1. AFH says:

    So on one hand you feel the Sun shamed the Cornell Republicans, but on the other hand, as a response, you try and shame them back? Hypocrisy.

    1. Casey Breznick says:

      I’m not trying to shame them into doing anything.

  2. An actual conservative says:

    If you were in charge of the Cornell Republicans, it would have two members.

    1. Casey Breznick says:

      Ouch. Your visceral rhetoric and angry demeanor is so bad CRs would never endorse you for anything!

  3. LOL says:

    If you cared to contact any member of the Cornell Republicans, you would know most of what you wrote in this article isn’t true, but it’s obvious you’d prefer to create a narrative and act like a victim.

    1. Casey Breznick says:

      If you know me, the last thing I would ever do is make myself the victim. And, in case you’re unaware, I have been a member of the Cornell Republicans for 3 years, and talked to many current and former members before writing this. Perhaps the E-Board of Cornell Republicans should have consulted with its many long-time members before doing this.

  4. A Republican says:


  5. Anon says:

    Sorry if we don’t believe that a misogynistic bigot represents our party.

    1. Glenn Dornbaum says:

      Which party is represented by someone who hired private investigators to run smear campaigns to silence women harassed and/or assaulted by her husband?

      1. This is funny af says:

        Not the Libertarian party.

        1. Glenn Dornbaum says:

          The Democratic Party.

  6. PAT says:

    Maybe it’s possible to endorse Gary because of a desire for acceptable public discourse and actual discussion of real ideas. You don’t have to agree with him on everything, but he’s the only candidate preaching smaller government.
    And the goal should be to reduce the overall number of abortions, not criminalize it further. Something both sides should be able to come together to work on.

    1. Glenn Dornbaum says:

      Gary Johnson has expressed support for carbon taxes, mandatory vaccines, publicly funding Planned Parenthood, and forcing people to violate their religious beliefs. He is in no way preaching smaller government. He has in effect sold out the Libertarian party.

      1. Anon says:

        So none of those things that you just listed are valid points and only show how stuck in the past the GOP has become. Carbon taxes are just one idea to combat the very real threat of climate change that we are starting to feel the effects of.Vaccines should be mandatory as they are critical to maintaining public health, we should fund plan parenthood since it actually does provide services other than abortions, and I’m not sure what you are talking about by “forcing people to violate their religious beliefs” but Gary Johnson supports treating people like human beings which some religions can’t seem to manage. I’m not sure why you think Gary Johnson has sold out, as for most of these points that you made he has been quoted supporting as far back as the early 2000s.

        1. Glenn Dornbaum says:

          Those are all valid positions, but they are not libertarian positions. He shouldn’t claim to be what he is not. Libertarian means smallest government possible. Using taxes to manipulate the economy, funding controversial organizations, forcing your social views on others, and mandating vaccines runs contrary to that. Johnson even said he would force Jews to bake Nazi cakes. If he was an actual libertarian, his platform would be more or less like Ron Paul.

          1. AFH says:

            You misrepresent Gary Johnson on each of those points to such a level it can only be characterized as fraud.

            Johnson is a thinking person and discusses all sides of an issue. The Nazi birthday cake thing? That was a statement made in contrast to an anarchist’s view and was explaining how the law stands right now. The Carbon Fee thing was part of a larger point on the environment and was used specifically to illustrate how some solutions are more market oriented and some are less market oriented.

            Discussing sides is NOT an endorsement of the side, it is how intelligent people demonstrate that they are not speaking off the cuff. Maybe you are not used to listening to smart people in politics or the habits of the erudite intimidate you. Maybe you get your information from irresponsible and biased sources. One thing is clear, you are making statements that are not only not truthful, but your calumny is contrary to the truth.

            As birds of a feather flock together, I can guess that you are a Trump fan. You may want to consider his effect on your sense of ethics.

          2. Glenn Dornbaum says:

            Rather than throwing insults, how about you actual defend his “libertarian” positions?

            I am no Trump fan. I am just recognizing that Gary Johnson is no alternative for conservatives or libertarians.

          3. AFH says:

            Because the issue isn’t his positions, the issue is your misrepresentation of them.

          4. Glenn Dornbaum says:

            What misrepresentation?

  7. Jake Schaible says:

    Serious sad, Casey. Virtue Signalling isn’t the exclusive providence of the Left, as this piece of tripe so elegantly shows.

    There will be a lot of victims from Trumpism. Seems you aim to be one of them? For while you are entitled to your personal views, clearly you no longer represent the majority view of Cornell Conservatives, Cornell Libertarians or Cornell Republicans. (Sure you possibly still have the support of the Cornell Review ed board – which would be even sadder in that it professes itself to be “Cornell’s conservative and libertarian student publication”.)

    The admirable thing to do in such case would have been to resign and state your reasons for such. Perhaps your future is to be the founder of a new blog; The Cornell AltRight Paper? (“CARP” has such a nice ring to it.)

    Or perhaps after you get over being so #butthurt over your loss here, you might take a health opportunity to look deep at the man in the mirror.

    Honestly, I hope you pick the latter road. Bitter is never a good look on the young.

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