- Athletics official faced questions on the department’s substantial funding roll-over
- Ethics office nominee confirmed
- Representatives cut Physical Education and Athletics by-line funding to $7.25/student
- Finally, a new VP of Finance is elected…after 18 minutes of deliberation.
As the Clocktower’s bells rang out “Anchors Aweigh,” the Student Assembly met this Veterans Day to confirm a new member of the ethics office and discuss by-line funding allocations. Most importantly, the Assembly elected an official VP of Finance.
Larry Quant was questioned by members of the Student Assembly today. In his opening statement, the Deputy Director of Athletics for Finance and Administration said, “We acknowledge…that last year we received significant SA funding for which we didn’t provide any benefits. We are fully prepared to work with the [appropriations committee] to find a way to return those benefits to students.”
Vice President of External Affairs Annette Gleiberman (‘22) inquired as to why athletics and physical education was funded using the Student Activities Fee (SAF). Quant said that he did not know why, despite having experienced seven funding cycles.
Prompted by representatives’ questions, Quant also disclosed that the SAF allocation was used to provide discounted hockey tickets, free admission to other ticketed games, and marketing targeted to undergraduates. Students With Disabilities Representative At-Large Duncan Cady (‘23) asked what the specific roll-over amount was. Quant said that it was approximately $110,000.
College of Human Ecology Representative Claire Tempelman (‘24) asked Quant if discounted gym passes or Physical Education fees would be feasible. Quant responded by saying that it would be difficult to roll-out such a plan, due to a possible need to make retroactive discounts for those who already purchased passes.
After the Assembly questioned Quant, it overwhelmingly confirmed ethics office nominee Naveen Sharma by a vote of 23-1-1.
Following the confirmation vote, Interim Vice President of Finance Valeria Valencia (‘23) brought the Athletics and Physical Education by-line funding item to the floor. Several representatives expressed concerns over giving Cornell Athletics and Physical Education an unchanged $9.08/student allocation. Cady expressed concern over a lack of a concrete plan to spend down the rollover.
Student Assembly president Anuli Ononye (‘22) spoke in favor of the allocation, arguing that if students enjoyed discounted hockey tickets, then the Assembly ought to grant this allocation. Ononye also expressed concern that lowering the allocation would set a precedent for future funding cycles.
Several ideas were floated as to how the funding rollover and allocation could be amended. International Students Liaison At-Large JohnJohn Jiang (‘22) proposed asking Cornell Athletics to return its roll-over to the Student Assembly. College of Arts and Sciences Representative.
Gleiberman proposed overturning the allocation set by the Student Assembly Appropriations Committee. The allocation was overturned by a vote of 23-0-2. A proposal was made to amend the allocation to Athletics and Physical Education down to $7.25 per student for the 2021-2022 by-line funding cycle. The proposal passed by a vote of 15-8-2.
And finally, after two weeks, the Student Assembly elected a new VP of Finance. Valencia highlighted her experience on the Appropriations Committee, as well as her previous work with former vice presidents of Finance. LGBTQIA+ Liaison At-Large Dillon Eisman (‘22) also showcased his experience and set forth proposals to encourage “entrepreneurial change and collaborative innovation.” In a record-breaking eighteen-minute election, Valencia was elected as the new VP of Finance.