Still not content with his efforts to bring his legal and political wisdom to the world, the good professor has somehow found the time to begin spreading his Insurrection.
This week marked the launch of College Insurrection, a spin-off dedicated to all things political and legal at universities across the globe. Already he has covered such issues as professors admitting bias against conservatives, financial aid endowments for illegal immigrants, “free speech zones”, and much more. Jacobson’s format is to aggregate and comment on stories about higher education and those coming from campus papers.
It is yet to be seen if he can duplicate the success and hilarity of Legal Insurrection’s bumper sticker collection, but we look forward to reading and sharing with you whatever Professor Jacobson has to say.
The established authority in education was planted there decades ago to actually diminish teaching quality to students. Where would American industry have been back then amid too much intelligence. Even today, too much intelligence among citizens is a danger to the power of government and the economy which thrives on cheap labor. Come on slaves, start thinking freely, open your minds to a real dream.