February 23, 2025

1 thought on “Feminist Leaders Gather in Support of Obama: Declaring “Bring it” and “You Ain’t Seen Nothin Yet”

  1. Virginia Musser says:

    I am embarrassed the the women of our country would lower themselves to this. Why do we need to go back to when women were the helpless, not able to take care of themselves.. I am a woman and I don’t know any one that supports Obama. If we want to have sex, we should pay for it, when did the women taxpayers commit themselves to making every one aware of their private life. This guys has sent jobs overseas, he has given solar companies billions of dollars and 3 are already bankrupt. Abortion….I do believe in this and unless it a rape or some extenting circumstances, they should pay for it. And I don’t think that this should be used as a form of birth control. Obama lied about his gay stance, but that is okay with you nut cases. He bought a house with the use of a felon. He blamed Bush for his failure, altho Bush has the dems against him at the end of his term, and Obama had the dems on his side for over two years…what is his excuse for not doing any thing? I don’t care what color you are, so you can’t accuse me of being a racist as Holder/Obama have claimed if you don’t agree. War on Women…why…we are better off than ever, this is a farce. You would rather that the country go down the tube with our kids, grandkids and great grandkids having to submit to bow before the Chinese, Brazil, and Mexico. Why hasn’t some thing been done on the Fast and Furious…if it was your brother or son that got killed, you would be screaming, but since it isn’t and we sold guns to drug cartel and 300 Mexicans and one border agent got killed, by not show us the cover up or if there wasn’t a cover up show us the papers. The Healthcare, Obama said it wasn’t a tax, but if you listen to the lawyer that argued before the Supreme Court, he clearly stated that it was a tax. Obama is hiring 30,000 new government IRS employees to take the preimums out of your bank account. Why would it be okay to blame Romney for the Bain deal? It was a private agency that spent the money and Obama has given our money away daily, trying to take prayer away, guns away, freedom of speech. If you are supposedly educated, you sure can tell that you can buy common sense. I could go on and on about Michelle Obama spending over half a million dollars on her daughter’s birthday present which was a trip to Spain. Obama gave Finland, Brazil, and Mexico. Plus he produced two birth certifcates and they were different, so we aren’t allowed to quetion this. He applied for a foreign aid scholarship and if he was a citizen why foreigner? Don’t profess to represent the American women —that is a lie and I am sure you won’t publish this or probably read this…You are like Pelosi—pass the bill then read it…Like I said you are a bunch of women that think we can’t stand on our own and it is show when you would rather have a person that went to Rev Wright’s church for 20 years and he preached hating of whites, and paid him not to preach until after the election. He is the biggest liar and he wants to be king…and you handicap women have fed into his “caring about women”.
    Any one that would comment on having horses for Ann Romney and then saying she stayed at home….and she has a bad disease. And Michelle Obama spends over $100k on underwear we bought it—-Duh!!!

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