February 22, 2025

3 thoughts on “‘Articulating the Threat’ — Campus Prepares to Protest Board of Trustees

  1. David Breznick says:

    Unlike the Federal government, Cornell cannot print money. So how does Mr. Marshall propose to provide everything to everybody, as his DEMANDS demand, particularly #4? Answer: selectively increase tuition for students from “wealthy” families, no doubt.

  2. josephurban says:

    I can’t respond to the specifics of this since I don’t know the Cornell endowment situation, etc. But this does point to the fact that students and their parents need a truth-in-expenses information. For example, when my son went to an unnamed university (It had a name, just not saying it) he received a lot of aid the first couple years, then it slowly dried up. You see, once you are in a program they figure you can’t leave to go elsewhere. You have invested so much already that you will have to grin and bear it.
    College should be seen as a contractual investment. If they want your business for 4 years you should have an UPFRONT decision on financial aid, costs, etc. covering all four years. Then you could make a reasonable decision on what the costs will be. Costs should not go up or down.
    I can see why kids and their parents would be upset at rising costs. I know I was.

  3. David Breznick says:

    I agree with josephurban. When I attended college (1980-1984), my first year tuition (excluding dormitory, meal plan, books, etc.) was $4500. My fourth year tuition was $8700, a nearly 100% increase. My paltry scholarship remained the same each year, however the university was more than happy to loan me the ever-increasing differential, which allowed me to continue.

    This was almost a deceptive business practice, along the lines of DirecTV:


    Well, maybe not deceptive, but definitely predatory.

    At colleges throughout America, this still goes on. But don’t anyone worry, President Elizabeth Warren will fix all that.

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