On Sunday evening the Cornell Democrats released their Student Assembly (SA) election endorsements. Problem is, their club...
Ying Ma Delivers Inspiring Speech on Her Journey from Ghetto to National Conservative Thought Leader

Ying Ma Delivers Inspiring Speech on Her Journey from Ghetto to National Conservative Thought Leader
Ying Ma is no stranger to hardship and no stranger to success. As an accomplished author and...
Issue 7 features stories the Cornell Daily Sun and other campus media outlets dare not cover, from...
The Tompkins County GOP recently voted 7-5 for an official stance of “No Confidence” in Speaker of the...
Come next Monday and Tuesday, every Cornell student casting his or her vote Student Assembly (SA) President...
Skeletons come creeping out of the closet. With all the news surrounding the University of Oklahoma SAE fraternity...
Shakespeare was a playwright, not a historian, says Professor Barry Strauss ’74, so we should not expect him...
Beginning his lecture with the line “All of us have had our birthright stolen from us,” a...
In order to address a 5-year reoccurring deficit of $55 million, the University is trimming annual budgets across...
All bad things must come to an end. At Cornell, “biases have a corrosive effect on the...