Get ready for our fourth installment of Monday Reading Madness! As Seinfeld would say, it’s a maAaAaAdhOoouusee!...
Review Staff
Cornell students, community members, and alumni contribute to the Cornell Review. Staff consists of student writers collaborating on articles, with occasional guest submissions as well.
In the recent week or so, one has not been able to turn on the news without...
Check out Charles Krauthammer’s most recent column on the Obama administration’s stance on the Iranian elections and...
Americans, just last month, Iran flexed its muscles by testing several long-range missiles. It’s not secret that...
I found this movie site surfing yesterday. The Third Jihad uncovers the radical Islam’s manifesto for destroying...
– George Mason University Professor Tyler Cowen gives a critical but fair and objective assessment of the...
It’s sickening, and it’s everywhere. First it was just in the mainstream media, occasionally in light disguise,...
Here is the second installment of Monday Reading Madness! This week’s edition covers topics ranging from all...
Engineering classes give insight to policy; the ‘fairness’ hypocrisy in health care I came across an interesting...
Recently hidden in New York’s political newscape is the recent passage of the Citizen’s Empowerment Act, proposed...