It seems that ignorance and general carelessness about American history and U.S. politics have become commonplace in...
Review Staff
Cornell students, community members, and alumni contribute to the Cornell Review. Staff consists of student writers collaborating on articles, with occasional guest submissions as well.
I posted a link to an article about Che as my Facebook status, and the following is...
There is a new directive going through the Russian legislature that would basically qualify any anti-government rhetoric...
Sort of in a response / follow-up to an article I wrote a few months ago for...
Senate -candidate Caroline to be exact. The woman Matt Drudge dubbed the “Princess of Camelot” failed to...
In case you quickly opened and/or deleted that email from President Skorton this morning, no, he...
A recent article on quoted an Obama economic advisor as saying there is a real chance...
While surfing through the Cornell Daily Sun‘s website, I came across an article that presented: 1) an...
In case you haven’t seen the whole video yet, you can’t miss it. Seems Bush has reflexes...
So I don’t know how many of you have heard the news, but apparently an Iraqi journalist...