FIRE noted Cornell’s documents fail in one key area: how free expression rights intersect with allegations of...
Review Staff
Cornell students, community members, and alumni contribute to the Cornell Review. Staff consists of student writers collaborating on articles, with occasional guest submissions as well.
Events Should be Measured by Impact not Quantity
Cornell’s Core Values provide roughly the same coverage as the Chicago Statement–even defending “wrong or offensive” ideas.
Cornell relied upon TJ’s highly selective admissions policy to vet students for freshman admissions.
The SA adopted resolutions declaring "Cornell Dining [shall] reassess its relationship with Starbucks." Pollack's rejection is a...
With the closing of all three Ithaca Starbucks locations, protestors turned their attention to Cornell, seeking the...
Informed sources have stated that many of the candidates for the various SA positions are the subject...
Swenson promised to work on improving mental health services.
At its core, cancel culture represents a shift in how ideas are debated. Students used to advance...
Today is the first day of Student Assembly (SA) elections, which are open until May 4 at...