On October 30, the Cornell Committee on Expressive Activity issued a draft of its Final Report. The...
Review Staff
Cornell students, community members, and alumni contribute to the Cornell Review. Staff consists of student writers collaborating on articles, with occasional guest submissions as well.
Famed conservative political commentator and former Editor in Chief of the The Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro spoke...
On October 7, Eileen Chang ‘21, as well as a Boston University student, filed a class action...
On November 1, Todd Zywciki will discuss “The Rule of Law and Western Civilization
Danielle Obisie-Orlu, a second-year Ph.D. candidate in the field of International Relations in the Department of Government,...
On October 18, Interim President Michael Kotlikoff gave his first State of the University Address to the...
An important issue on the November 2024 ballot is whether to amend the New York State Constitution...
The Cornell Review has some simple advice to Interim President Kotlikoff and the Board of Trustees: Just...
On Oct. 10, Momoduo Taal, a graduate student who was suspended for his role in the disruption...
CML and BSU have been playing the race card in recent weeks after a stream of events...