The day has come! If you are voting in Ithaca (Our most recent straw poll shows that about...
Review Staff
Cornell students, community members, and alumni contribute to the Cornell Review. Staff consists of student writers collaborating on articles, with occasional guest submissions as well.
Five-Hundred, Twenty Two Days have passed since Mitt Romney declared that he would seek the Republican nomination...
. The entirety of democracy in the United States is based upon a principle that has become...
“Guard with jealous attention the Public Liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel”-Patrick Henry “The best way...
President Obama has often invoked the legacy of four of the most outstanding leaders that the world...
Controversial author Christina Hoff Sommers will visit Cornell to speak to students on the topic of Education, the...
Don’t we have better things to do before the elections?
There will be a lot of Halloween parties going down around town this weekend, but with prelims...