Sorry for taking the title of this post from MR, but there really isn’t a better fitting...
Review Staff
Cornell students, community members, and alumni contribute to the Cornell Review. Staff consists of student writers collaborating on articles, with occasional guest submissions as well.
Our friends over at the Stanford Review have a post on The Daily Beast’s college rankings, which recently ranked...
The Cornell Review has given out numerous ‘assclown’ awards in the past. Although this is typically a...
Last night the Common Council voted unanimously to extend the deadline for removing the gorge fences by...
Finals week got the best of me; here’s the belated online version of our last issue for...
From the Sun: In a discussion with members of the press on Saturday morning, Pelosi predicted that,...
– Cornell Sun timeline of the past four years at Cornell. – Via METAezra, new lanterns for...
I’m often misunderstood to be a raging, far-right, anti-environment, hyphen over-user. But in fact, I’m not anti-climatic...
Nancy Pelosi tweeted for the first time after receiving a signed jersey from the basketball team. Via...
Jerry Seinfeld: She lives with her parents. George Costanza: Maybe this will become like a cool thing,...