Austin Tong, a rising senior studying business at Fordham University, was recently banned from campus after posting...
Joe Silverstein
Joe Silverstein is a senior at Cornell University's College of Arts and Sciences, where he studies Government and International Relations. Joe has been published in Fox News, New York Post, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, American Spectator, The College Fix, and other notable publications. Mr. Silverstein relaunched The Cornell Review in 2020 after a period of inactivity on campus.
Joe is the founder and director of the Review's China Initiative, which hosts forums with various China experts and produces exclusive reporting on China's influence in academia. He can be reached at
Follow Joe on Twitter @SilversteinUSA, TruthSocial @JoeSilverstein, and Instagram @JoeSilverstein_.
Lacy Johnson, a successful entrepreneur and engineer who’s record of service to his community spans decades, is...
Since the video depicting George Floyd’s death was released on May 25, unrest and uncertainty have gripped...
Recently, activists on campus have called for the firing of Cornell Law School Professor William Jacobson and...
Yesterday, two joint petitions began circulating on social media demanding a number of radical changes be implemented...
In recent days, racial riots have brought Minneapolis to its knees. Last night, police officers retreated as...
By Joseph Silverstein The ascendancy of Donald Trump to the presidency in the 2016 election shocked the...
On March 8, the Cornell Taekwondo team, commonly referred to as Cornell Fight Team, competed against Princeton,...