January 22, 2025

4 thoughts on “Black Lives Matter Co-Founders Speak at Cornell: Free Trade, Climate Change are Anti-Black Racism

  1. I have never read such an enormous amount of nonsense. Whenever a person looks outside of themselves for their own failings, they are turning away from the real problem which is themselves. A life lived as a victim is a life falsely lived. Give up the self pity and try living a life that doesn’t depend on blaming everyone else for all of your problems. Who would invite this nonsense to a college campus? No wonder college is such a joke today.

  2. MLK would be embarrassed by this. He looked forward to a day where people were judged on the content of their character, not the colour of their skin. ‘Not all violence is created equal’? Tell that to the parents of small children shot in gang crossfire. Only an over educated, ivory tower academic could come to that conclusion.

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