October 16, 2024

4 thoughts on “Blagojevich’s Bizarre Press Conference

  1. You think I’m joking? I’m about to be all over that….stuff (professionalism policy). If it made him talk about cancer in a press conference about impeachment, I’m willing to fork over all kinds of greenbacks to have a hit of that.

  2. HAHAHA I hadn’t actually watched it before I commented last time.
    I would like to see a flow chart of his thoughts. Oh and don’t forget my personal favorites:
    – pink potluck programs
    – going to Canada
    – he actually brought families and people up on stage
    – “is that an impeachable offense?”
    – “blah blah blah…Rahm Emmanuel…blah blah blah”
    – “we found ways to use lawyers to get around the legislation”
    – “my father was an immigrant steel-worker”
    The only legitamate, logical statement he made was saying the impeachment did not come as a surprise. Never once did he say anything about selling the seat. He reminds me of a spider being flushed down a toilet who is desperately trying to escape the vortex, by clambering about and trying to grab on to anything in sight.
    The whole Blagoyevich scene is quite entertaining at the very least. I think he is living in one of my favorite Seinfeld quotes by George Costanza who says, “remember – its not a lie, if you believe its true.”

    I especially like the way he tossed Rahm Emmanuel’s name into the mix as well.

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