Hans Bethe House, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
An alleged burglary occurred at the Hans Bethe House on Cornell’s West Campus at some point during the afternoon of February 20th.
According to an emailed police alert: “an unknown person entered an unlocked dorm room while the room was vacant. A television and other personal property were stolen from the unsecured room.”
The incident is the latest in a string of intrusions and thefts from students’ rooms.
Late last week, an unidentified intruder was allegedly discovered after hiding under the bed of a Court Kay Bauer resident while she slept. The intruder gave a fake name and NetID, and left without further incident.
Cascadilla Hall has become notorious for a spate of burglaries, giving rise to the popular myth of the “Casc Burglar.” The lore began last May when “an unknown person entered an unlocked dorm room while occupants were away, stealing a credit card and a Nintendo Switch.”
According to another email alert in August, “an unknown person entered an unlocked dorm room [in Cascadilla Hall] while the residents were away from the room and took a Nintendo Switch gaming console, controllers, and charger.”
Cascadilla has introduced cameras to monitor the entrances and hallways as an added security measure.
One precaution students can take is to lock their doors and windows, says Cornell University Police.
This is an ongoing story, and will be updated as details emerge.
Enzo De Oliveira contributed to the reporting for this story.