All five of Cornell’s shared governance bodies—undergraduate, graduate and professional, employee, faculty, and university assembly—have adopted resolutions calling on the University to divest its endowment from fossil fuels. In a renewed push to achieve this aim, professor David Shalloway, molecular biology and genetics, will represent all five representative bodies in a presentation to Cornell’s Board of Trustees this Friday urging them to carry through with this measure.
Campus environmental groups also have an online petition going around which outlines their arguments.
In the back-and-forth between the financially literate and the fossil fuel divestment crowd, a lot of focus goes toward the financial repercussions of divestment. Proponents of divestment have grown a little more sophisticated—moving beyond simply describing theorized man-made global warming catastrophe scenarios—and now like to point out how most energy-sector equities have done poorly in the past year or so. In the petition, they also cite unnamed divested funds that, according to them, performed better than Cornell’s endowment, which posted a paltry 3.4% return last year and has averaged a decent 7.2% over the past decade. Even if these two points are true, they certainly do not make the case that fossil fuel divestment is a good decision. The first point looks at returns over the short-term, which is an inappropriate time horizon of scrutiny for endowment investing, and the second is almost baseless, since without knowing the make-up and percent allocations of the portfolios, it’s impossible to compare their performances.
But here are some questions the fossil fuel divestment crowd should have to answer before their resolutions are adopted:
1) Why don’t you yourselves divest personally from fossil fuels?
It’s hypocritical to call for the University to divest its investments while you happily consume the various products of fossil fuels by driving cars, flying on airplanes, enjoying heated and air-conditioned rooms, using plastic, wearing clothes, using electricity/electronic devises, etc. Show true leadership and heed your own call which you wish to condemn everyone else to.
2) Do you really morally equate investing in energy companies with the institutionalized racism of apartheid-era South Africa?
That’s just desperation. It makes a mockery of the efforts to overturn the apartheid regime.
3) How do you justify your elitism?
Cheap fossil fuels have lifted millions out of poverty. Why should we prevent others from realizing the tremendous benefits of cheap fuel only after we have?
4) If the endowment is divested, is it permissible to then short fossil fuel equities (that is, to enter into financial arrangements whereby the endowment reaps financial gains if fossil fuel equities decrease in value)?
If so, isn’t the university still profiting from the existence of fossil fuel companies?
5) Why stop at the producers of fossil fuels, such as oil and gas companies, and not divest from the biggest consumers of fossil fuels, such as airlines, automakers, shippers, manufacturers, and utilities?
If you’re going to change the world, you might as well go all the way, right?
6) Why stop at fossil fuel companies and not divest from “vice” companies, such as tobacco sellers, alcohol brewers and sellers, makers of sugary and fatty foods and beverages like Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, and casinos, which many argue are making the world a worse place too?
There is no end to the inanity when emotions drive investment decisions.
7) Do you profess to know more about investing and portfolio management than Cornell’s Chief Investment Officer, Cornell’s investment office staff, and financial professionals on the Board of Trustees?
No, but you did watch An Inconvenient Truth and have a “Stop Fracking” sticker on your Macbook.
8) As a student are you willing to forfeit your financial aid or as a Cornell employee are you willing to take a pay cut to pay for the increased risk and possible lower returns from a a divested endowment?
Skin in the game.
Oh god, and I thought the Daily Sun was bad.
Does anybody actually read this crap?
Harvard Faculty for Divestment’s site will answer some of your questions, assuming you have any real interest in enlightenment on the subject.
Browsed the FAQS, and other than excuses regarding personal divestment, there were no answers.
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Please DISSEMINATE this important press release in your newspaper and everywhere that you can AROUND THE WORLD especially to the military and police. I have already personally sent this information to thousands of people around the world with positive feedback. I continue to send this message out to new contacts every day and I am printing up flyers and putting this information on cars and doors and in windows. We the people are in the process of ending war and poverty on planet earth.
I am communicating to each person that I can that the United States Corporation, and their Defense Department must be stopped. I am asking everyone I know that is in the military to put down their weapons and turn in their uniform and no longer work for the psychotic UNITED STATES CORPORATION that is killing our planet and people. The United States Corporation has a Defense Department just like how Walmart has an Electronics Department or Sears has a Shoe Department,
I am asking everyone to tell their children to never ever work for the Defense Department of that socipathic corporation called the UNITED STATES. I want all children to spread the word to all other children to never join the military. My mission is to end war and poverty on planet earth. All people working for that illicit corporation called the UNITED STATES GovernMent [ControlMind] must cease and desist operations. That is my message and I am communicating this message to the 330 million Americans who are enslaved under the tyranny of that crazy company called the UNITED STATES.
America is our country and our land. The United States Corporation is a Warmongering Mind Control Organization that controls the Military Arm of the Global Military Industrial Complex, just like how the England Corporation controls the Law and Banking arm of the Global Military Industrial Complex. And just like the Vatican Corporation controls the Religious arm of the Global Military Industrial Complex. I am spreading this information throughout the world and asking every human being on earth to quit and never join the Global Military Industrial Complex. The message starts here in America. Please pass this to every human that you know in other parts of the world as the Global Military Industrial Complex is one entity that hires people to fight manufactured wars all over the planet.
America is now under military occupation by UNITED STATES NORTHERN COMMAND. Tell every Military Member that you know to quit working for the insane UNITED STATES CORPORATION..
I am writing books and making movies to end war and poverty on planet earth and show that the UNITED STATES is a chapter 11 bankrupt corporation that is posing as a GovernMent [ControlMind]. Yes the word GovernMent literally translates to ControlMind. Thus the UNITED STATES CORPORATION that has invaded America is a Mind Control Corporation that is the Military Branch of the World GovernMent and is destroying our planet. I have figured out the solution to stop it and put that solution in all of my books and movies.
I am currently editing the movie that I wrote, produced, and directed in Hollywood, California that contains the Global Solution to Collapsing the Global Military Industrial Complex and upon which my newly released book is based. Here is the Amazon link to that book:
HOLLYWOOD AND VINE – http://www.amazon.com/Hollywood-Vine-Messiah-Prevents-Nuclear/dp/1508471231/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1444668635&sr=8-2&keywords=hollywood+and+vine
It is your duty as News Organizations to publish the truth. This information about the UNITED STATES CORPORATION is the truth.
***** If your only reply is Character Assassination such as PUT ON YOUR TINFOIL HAT, TAKE YOUR MEDICATION, etc and you have no actual counter argument or contrary information to the facts that I have presented, then please refrain from replying, as Character Assassination is not a viable counter argument and will be laughed at by the millions of concerned parties awaiting your replies, which will be published. If you do not reply then I will find you in agreement with the facts stated above. *****
They should have had this campaign in July 2014 when crude oil hit $110. Not today when WTI trade at $44. Endowment investment is a investment which should buy low and sell high, not the other way around. Most college students do not understand the meaning of fossil fuel divestment. All they know is that it is a cool thing to support. Being cool in the investment world could be toxic.
Great post, per usual. I’m glad someone is willing to ask these questions.