49 Congressional Republicans recently voted for H.R.5305, congressional legislation that will provide temporary funding to the federal government until December 3rd. As part of that legislation, $6.4 billion of U.S. taxpayer dollars will be allocated to Afghan refugees for “resettlement assistance, entitlement programs, and other benefits” as well as a free driver’s license or identification card.
I was disappointed to learn that my Congresswoman, Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11) was among them in supporting such free goods and services for the unvetted Afghan refugees, despite the majority of Americans and 83% of Republicans saying they do not have confidence in the Biden administration’s ability to vet the Afghan refugees. These Republicans’ vote for welfare for Afghan refugees comes as yet another massive blow to their constituents, who will bear the brunt of such “generosity”.
Some GOP politicians who joined Malliotakis and voted to give their constituents’ money toward welfare for Afghan nationals include Mitt Romney, Adam Kinzinger, Lisa Murkowski, and Lindsey Graham.
Even worse than the financial aid being gifted to the 95,000 Afghan “refugees” is that we do not actually know who said Afghans “refugees” are in the first place, and who among them poses a security threat to the United States. Our legislative branch should be having a debate over whether or not to accept unvetted Afghan refugees into the United States at all, never mind giving them billions of dollars for housing and food. What about housing and food for poor Americans? While Congresswoman Malliotakis rightfully criticizes socialism on Fox News, why is she okay with socialism for Afghans but not Americans?
There are inherent risks in importing 95,000 individuals from Afghanistan, which is a hot-bed for terrorism, under normal circumstances. However, the legislation that the 49 Republicans voted for makes it worse: it lowers the threshold for proof of identification, making it easier for refugee applicants to fake their identity. This is a national security disaster waiting to happen.
Already, a female U.S. service member was allegedly sexually assaulted by a “small group” of male Afghan “refugees” at Fort Bliss, Texas. Similarly, in Wisconsin, two male Afghans have been charged with felonies: one allegedly attempted to rape a minor and the other allegedly strangled and suffocated his own wife. Is this who we want entering the country?
These acts of violence are not an anomaly- widespread disregard for women’s humanity and personal sovereignty is commonplace in Afghanistan. For example, a Pew Research poll in 2013 found that 99% of muslims in Afghanistan support Sharia Law.
Rape is also persistent in Afghanistan, even among America’s “allies”. In 2015 and 2011, the New York Times reported that Afghan military leaders commonly use young boys as sex slaves, with one U.S. servicemember fighting a U.S. backed Afghan militia leader after finding a boy chained to the Afghan’s bed. Similarly, a 12 year old girl was murdered in a so-called “honor-killing” for having kissed a boy. Is that the culture we want to bring here?
According to Biden’s own administration, just 3% of the Afghans we evacuated had special immigrant visas, meaning they helped U.S. forces in their military operations. And based on the incidents listed above, that is far from a guarantee that such people are safe to admit into the United States.
Republicans made a big mistake caving to Biden and Pelosi on this crucial issue, and because of their poor judgement, Americans will be less safe. It is our responsibility to hold our elected officials accountable, and not shy away from criticizing their failures – even if they are from our own party.
On the issue of Afghanistan, these 49 congressional Republicans fall short.