We want to empower students, not take away representation and power from them. What good would it...
The Student Assembly routinely embarrasses Cornell with scandals, partisan politics, and corruption. And why shouldn’t they? It’s...
Cornell University has a unique opportunity to lead the way in integrating AI in education, while ensuring...
At its core, cancel culture represents a shift in how ideas are debated. Students used to advance...
The culture of Safetyism that surrounds trigger warnings threatens the success of American society and the health...
Exposure to only the ideas one agrees with or finds “comforting” invalidates the entire purpose of a...
Cornell’s free speech revival is far from complete, and not all of the recent developments are good.
Heard at Cornell is a column that regularly quotes important statements made by Cornellians. This excerpt is...
It was unnerving seeing a crowd of Cornell students, some of whom I have sat next to...
Unfortunately, Cornell has instead enacted a complicated and much-misunderstood enforcement mechanism under Title IX and Cornell Policy...