October 16, 2024

4 thoughts on “Che hits the big screen, ignorance hits the youth.

  1. You will not condone such acts of staunch hate and cold brutality yet you support the American government. The atrocities of the United States government reach far beyond the actions of any one man. Greed is what has powered America to fight in foreign wars and interfere in the affairs of foreign countries. Greed not a want to spread democracy is the motivator.
    Liberalism is not a plague it a force of political repercussion.
    Che’ is a product of American interference in Latin America. Without American interference in Guatemala he would not have become who he is remembered as today a ruthless killer, an innovator in guerrilla tactics, and a leftist. I do not say he is a good man but i point to simple cause and effect that American actions created this man and eventually ended him. Even in death he upon the chests of thousands of mindless teenagers reminds the knowledgeable observer that we are not the good guys. We are just the guys with all the guns and money.

  2. Great article. Che was not somebody to be admired or glorified. Any culture which glorifies someone who is a cold executioner has either lost its sense of morality, or even more, lost its sense of reality. I think that is Anonymous 1’s problem. He clearly does not believe in moral absolutes, which is why he can defend Che as being a product of his environment. “Without America’s interference in Guatemala he wold not have become who he is remembered as today a ruthless killer….” Osama bin Laden says the same thing about himself, “We declared jihad against the US government, because the US government is unjust, criminal and tyrannical….” – Osama bin Laden to CNN in March 1997. Hitler thought he was justified and so do pathological criminals. See the pattern? One is not justified if he thinks he is justified, but only justified if he is right. And determination of right and wrong is chiefly a question of morality. And morality is not personal or cultural but absolute. If morality is not absolute then we can easily say that all of the “bad men” of history were not “bad,” they just were products of their environment and had their own view of things. Saying such a thing is not only dangerous, but wrong.

  3. Fabulous article. Che deserves no glorification whatsoever. He was a murderer of innocent people, whose guise of “liberation” was simply thinly-veiled oppression. And as for the so-called “atrocities” committed by the American government, I would not call the comparatively humane killing of guilty people atrocities, especially compared to the glaring human rights violations of the Latin American Communists to completely innocent people. Let us be glad we live in a nation that kills the guilty with regret as opposed to the innocent with no qualms.

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