March 6, 2025

22 thoughts on “Conservative Columnist for Cornell Newspaper Personally Attacked in Anonymously Distributed Flyers

  1. probono says:

    Julius, strike hard and often, before you accumulate baggage.

  2. Dantes says:

    good to know neofascists are alive and well at Cornell.

  3. William says:

    “the calls were so stringent and widespread ” – I think the word you were looking for was “strident”

  4. Casey Breznick says:

    William, thank you for catching that.

  5. Melissa says:

    The Leftist takeover of our Universities has been an unmitigated disaster. The comments at the bottom of the Cornell Review are evidence of this. Most of the commentators don’t have two brain cells to rub together. I truly fear for the future of this country knowing that people think this way. It seems to be a mix of self-hatred and Stockholm Syndrome.

  6. Tristan Phillips says:

    Don’t rely on the Keystone Campus Police. When they’re not sleeping or having sexy time with their girlfriends in the parking garage they’re sleeping at the NYSEG distribution node on Maple ave, and their record at getting anything done in the court system in Ithaca is poor at best. Kathy Zoner is one of the worst of them. Involve either the Ithaca police or the State Troopers if you want anything resembling honest police work.

    As for Skorton and his lackeys….They’re gone later next year when he wanders off to the Smithsonian. A number of the VPs are currently R.I.C. and will do what it takes to preserve their golden parachute when the new regime takes over. It’s laudable you’re talking to the Cornell administration, but they will first and foremost protect themselves first at your expense. Do not leave outside law enforcement out of the picture.

  7. tomdperkins says:

    When you are over the target, you get flak.

  8. David says:

    I’m not sure I get the outrage here. If you are in favor of free speech, why isn’t the flyer free speech too? It’s cowardly to distribute the flyer without taking responsibility for it, but it’s not something that should be prohibited. I’m particularly surprised that you want the University to look into this. Even the Federalist Papers were written under a pseudonym.

    1. Casey Breznick says:

      David, I am all for free speech. I support the right of any person to make these flyers. I am not calling for prohibition. The purpose of this article is to expose what happened, not to explicitly call for a university investigation. My contacting university officials is for fact-gathering purposes.

      Your comparison to the Federalist Papers does not make sense. The Federalist Papers were a set of opinions and arguments for the adoption of the Constitution, whereas these flyers are 1) without pseudonym and 2) smear Mr. Kairey personally. They are not articulating a reasonable argument about Mr. Kairey’s writing, they are personally attacking him.

  9. Alec Rawls says:

    A man can be judged by the enemies he makes. If you don’t make demagogic underhanded dirt-bag enemies you aren’t fighting the good fight. That’s what we tell the students at the Stanford Review: you WANT to be taking fire, and so long as you think straight and tell the truth you will always win with the only people who matter: other people who think straight and tell the truth.

    Especially go after the professors! The left wing students are just idiots. It is the professors who are truly vile, the eco-liars, the anti-Semites, the anti-feminine lesbian “feminists” who run the women’s studies departments. Nice to see that Julius is doing his job, and that he as a “medal” to prove it. Wear it with pride young sir.

  10. Elspeth says:

    I’ve read the articles written by this student journalist. He raises some good points, even if you disagree with him. If Cornell students are so terrified of his arguments as to personally attack him with flyers, then we are graduating a nation of cowards.

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