Finding student organizations to join can be daunting when you first arrive in Ithaca. We interviewed officers in the most influential conservative student organizations and condensed the information here. Check out the groups that interest you at their next general body meetings.
College Republicans at Cornell (CRs)
The Review asked Avery Bower ’23, President of the College Republicans at Cornell, to answer some questions about the org.
The Review: Who are the Cornell Republicans (CRs)?
Avery Bower: The Cornell Republicans is the official arm of the Republican Party at Cornell. We are the forum for conservatives of all shades and serve as the prime advocates for conservatism at Cornell.
The Review: What do the CRs do?
A. Bower: Cornell Republicans is a great place to discuss current events and hear from speakers on the right. Your membership can be as committal and private as you like—we value you for your ideas, but we know how important perceptions are on campus. All we ask is that you come with a critical mind. We are more than just a group of like-minded individuals; we are a family. Many of our members are part of other conservative organizations and bring those tight-knit bonds to our meetings. Our members often spend weekends together and hang out outside of our regular meeting times.
The Review: Why should I join CRs?
A. Bower: Our members comprise some of Cornell’s best and brightest. Our alumni have forged exciting paths in the foreign policy, national political, and business world. I have been the beneficiary of a number of fellowships in the national security field due to the friends I have made at Cornell Republicans. Every one of us knows how hard it is to make it as a conservative these days and are more than willing to lend a helping hand.
The Review: When and where do you meet?
A. Bower: We meet Mondays at 5 P.M. at 165 McGraw Hall; although scheduling conflicts may necessitate some alternate rooms like G76 Goldwin Smith Hall.
Instagram: @cornellrepublicans
Twitter: @cornellrepubs
The Network of Enlightened Women (NeW)
NeW provides a space to meet like-minded conservative women and discuss public policy in a more informal setting. If you are interested in reading about and discussing some of the most pressing policy issues of our time in a welcoming environment, we invite you to join us at one of our many discussions during the semester. Please follow our Instagram for more information regarding upcoming events.
Instagram: @newatcornell
Email: cornellnew[at]gmail.com
This piece was originally printed in the Cornell Review’s September 2022 Freshman Edition.