March 28, 2025

4 thoughts on “Cornell ‘Black Lives Matter’ Demonstrators Lead Anti-Police-Themed March Through Campus

  1. Hank says:

    I need to buy a Make America Great Again hat before the next one of these so that I can walk into the protest and play along with everything but wear the hat the entire time.

  2. Todd Elliott Koger says:

    The black community owes the Democratic Party NOTHING. It’s the Democrats continued facetiously, disturbing and arrogant attitude.

    As if those of us still living in the ‘hood and mapping the plight of black lives “don’t feel some kind of way” when we hear our black President, the Congressional Black Caucus, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Donna Brazile, Bakari Sellers, Angela Ryne, Van Jones criticizing Donald Trump’s portrayal of the seriousness of our need . . .

    TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, and AWFUL are the appropriate negative words and an accurate assessment. We turned out and backed the Democratic Party for more than 50 years. In exchange for our blind loyalty we didn’t get nothing.

  3. Alan Whitney says:

    This headline is inaccurate,thoughtless, irresponsible and plays into the fears of others. This protest was not anti-police. The chant, “Hey hey, ho ho, these racist cops have got to go” is not anti-police. It is anti- racist police. Calling it anti-police demeans it and minimizes the good this kind of protest can achieve.

  4. Frederick says:

    Anti-police?! That’s an awefuly slanted piece of reporting.

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