February 24, 2025

17 thoughts on “Cornell Daily Sun Runs Ad Inserts from 9/11 Truther Organization

  1. David Breznick says:

    Thermite. That’s the same explosive Walter White used to break into a warehouse, in Breaking Bad (S1:E7). Maybe “Heisenberg” is behind the three WTC collapses.

  2. josephurban says:

    I find all these “conspiracy ” theories amusing. They assume a level of organization, secrecy and competence never achieved by any government, be it democratic, fascist, communist, etc. But, like Obama’s “birthers” and Clinton’s “murders” and Bush’s “secret societies ” they demonstrate the unending and eternal gullibility of some folks.

    1. Winston Smith says:

      The government put forth the first conspiracy theory–19 hijackers defeated the most powerful military on the planet.

      You have accepted that theory, hook, line and sinker.

      The government’s theory said foreigners could organize and carry out a sophisticated series of attacks, navigate planes without air traffic control assistance in the most densely packed air space on the planet and deliver their flying weapons with pinpoint accuracy.

      Please read the details of your official conspiracy theory and you’ll see how quickly it does not add up.

    2. Robert Motch says:

      Food for thought: Would quill & dagger and council on foreign relations members (cfr) Ruth Ginsburg, Stephen Hadley (one of George skull & bones junior’s national security advisors) and Paul bilderberg group, trilateral commission Wolfowitz encourage Cornell’s students to watch The Anatomy of a Great Deception? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0Q5eZhCPuc&feature=youtu.be

      David as for ivy league secret societies in general, do you actually believe the heads of the congressional inquiry, Porter book & snake Goss and senator Bob cfr Graham were going to turn on George skull Bush jr. and Dick cfr, trilateral Cheney?

      Is it a coincidence Kean, Hamilton and Zelikow are cfr members and bilderbergs? Or that Hamilton and Zelikow are trilaterals?

  3. nasen75 says:

    As far as advertising in the Sun, this was nowhere near the first questionable thing I saw. I remember during my freshman year, seeing an ad for a service that will write students’ essays for them. Needless to say, engaging such a service would be a violation of Cornell’s academic integrity code.

  4. wibren says:

    AE911Truth is about hard physical evidence and science. Science has nothing to do with conspiracy. Don’t let the main stream media fool you. The official conspiracy theory (19 Arabs etc.) will only work when the laws of physics were not applicable on September 11th 2001. Don’t be fooled, do your own research!

  5. josephurban says:

    The 911 “truthers” have been thoroughly debunked by scientists and engineers. Same as the “birthers”. and the global warming “deniers”. I Of course, “bigfoot” sightings remain very reliable.

  6. David Breznick says:

    WINSTON SMITH wrote, “The government’s theory said foreigners could organize and carry out a sophisticated series of attacks, navigate planes without air traffic control assistance . . . ”

    Winston, your argument’s second premise it that aerial navigation, especially through dense airspace, would not be possible without the direction of air traffic controllers. And your apparent conclusion, it would seem, is that since the 9/11 hijacker pilots indeed navigated aircraft towards and into New York City and Washington DC airspace without the assistance of air traffic controllers, the U.S. government’s theory is false, therefore a U.S. government conspiracy and cover-up occurred.

    Winston, air traffic control is not required to navigate airplanes. I know. I am a licensed airplane pilot. Pilots navigate using multiple means including: de’d reckoning, pilotage, GPS, and ground-based radiobeacons. Air traffic control only provides separation of aircraft, and orderly flow through the National Airspace System such as clearances to takeoff, land, and enter certain swaths of airspace. Navigation is up to the pilots.

    Since the one of the premises of your argument has been disproven, your conclusion is false. There was no U.S. government conspiracy or cover-up. Author Ayn Rand famously wrote, “Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.” Her wisdom was used here to debunk your 9/11 truther fallacy.

    By the way, Winston Smith is a fictional book character, not your real name. Man up and use your real name here.

    1. Winston Smith says:

      David Breznick,

      Are you a jumbo jet pilot? If yes, then you can speak to the issue of whether the so-called hijackers were capable of delivering their weapons to the targets. The very experienced professionals at Pilots for 911 Truth say they couldn’t. The pilots say they couldn’t for a number of very good reasons. I suggest you look into their evidence.

      ATC assistance is but one small part of why the Official Conspiracy Theory is suspect. The piloting skills to actually hit the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon come into play. Please see this analysis about the difficulty of maneuvering a 757 at high speed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEQtxTnDusk

      Think of it this way: Could you fly a jumbo jet at 400+ MPH (at sea level) through an opening 209 feet wide without the wings touching anything? You only have a ~25 foot margin of error on each side. The 911 pilots hit the 209 foot wide face of the towers without any wing overlap. Pilots with thousands of hours say they couldn’t do it. So how could novices who had never actually flown a jet accomplish this?

      Another very important point is the airspeed. The pilots say that the vehicle that hit WTC2 was operating over the manufacturers limits— well over. Commercial air frames break up at sea level if you attempt this. Please see this technical analysis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZrpNK4lJVc

      Winston Smith is only the messenger. Big Brother (NSA) is watching.

      But we are off the subject. The Architects and Engineers say the three towers were brought down through controlled demolition. Fire has never before done what happened on 9/11. Please study the material that was provided. World Trade Center Seven is the smoking gun that convinces many for the first time.

      1. josephurban says:

        Well. Are you suggesting that the planes DID NOT hit the WTC ? So, all those photos and videos, taken from multiple distances and angles, from onlookers were hoaxes ? And the eyewitnesses who SAW the planes hit the WTC were liars and in on the hoax? And the air traffic controllers who trcked the planes heading toward NYC were liars ? I am interested in hearing your response. If flying planes into the WTC was IMPOSSIBLE, was there a city-wide conspiracy of New Yorkers and all NY news organizations to lie about it. A pretty vast conspiracy.

        1. Winston Smith says:

          Did I say NO PLANES? Nope.

          The point is that “commercial” versions of the planes could not fly at such speeds. This suggests special, heavy, perhaps military versions.

          The fact that novice pilots could not pilot heavy aircraft with pinpoint accuracy suggests drones.

          Would you risk pilot error if you were planning this operation?

          1. josephurban says:

            What was the speed of the planes that was unattainable by commercial flights ? As you look at the photos of the planes hitting the WTC can you tell us what military planes they are? According to experienced pilots it is not all that difficult to aim any aircraft. The difficult thing is trying to land one. At any rate, as reported at LEAST 7 of the hijackers were TRAINED PILOTS. Trained in the USA in Florida flight schools. We do not know if the others were trained pilots or not as they may have been trained elsewhere.
            The truthers make it sound as though a random bunch of untrained terrorists decided to hijack a plane one day. The plot was planned for over 5 years.
            All this information is easily obtained from reliable news sources.

          2. Winston Smith says:

            The “truthers”??

            What is this some kind of slur? Is seeking the truth a bad thing in America? If you aren’t a “truther”, what are you?

            I’ve suggest professionals who have analyzed this every which way. Do some research.

          3. josephurban says:

            I have seen the truther videos and read some of the “evidence”. Nothing they offer is convincing. Like the “birthers” and the “global warming deniers” they have an idea, then pick and choose tiny bits of information that support their idea. A real investigator and scientist looks at ALL the available data . He does not pick and choose. I understand that this is a good business model for conspiracy buffs, but I do not take any of it seriously. Perhaps you can explain just ONE thing. How is it that so many people saw and photographed the planes hitting the WTC? Look at the photos . Are those “military planes” ? If so, identify them. If so, who is flying them, where did they come from and what happened to the four civilian planes that never arrived at their destination? Can you answer those simple questions?

          4. Winston Smith says:

            You wrote: “Perhaps you can explain just ONE thing. How is it that so many people saw and photographed the planes hitting the WTC? Look at the photos . Are those “military planes” ? If so, identify them. If so, who is flying them, where did they come from and what happened to the four civilian planes that never arrived at their destination? Can you answer those simple questions?”

            ONE thing morphed into multiple questions

            You are foaming at the mouth. You said no planes and now demand answers to your no-plane ass umptions.

            Do some research. I have already done mine and concluded that the planes that struck the WTC were, as the Pilots explained, heavy military versions. I don’t know what happened to the passengers or the four commercial flights. That remains to be discovered.

            This thread is about the Architects and Engineers and their evidence for controlled demolition of the towers after the planes hit–and the controlled demolition of WTC7 that was not hit. Can you grasp that?

          5. josephurban says:

            So. You are unable to answer the simplest question. You are confused. First, it is impossible for pilots to hit the WTC. Then, the planes that DID hit the WTC were military planes. But you cannot identify the type of military plane or who might be piloting them and for what reason. I give you credit for admitting that you do not know what happened to 3 of the 4 civilian aircraft. But, think about it. Does that mean that in addition to military planes hitting the WTC, and explosives somehow secretly placed simultaneously being set off to destroy the WTC there are now added conspirators who hijacked 4 commercial aircraft and only one of those has been found. Don’t you see how each new claim stretches credibility beyond the breaking point.

          6. Winston Smith says:

            You are not paying attention. I said the pilotsfor911truth (not me) have determined that the vehicles that struck the towers were military drones. No human error to worry about. No hijackers to contend with.

            Root around over at pilots and see what you can dig up.

            Root around over at Architects and Engineers and see what many professionals are saying about the destruction of three steel framed structures.

            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZEvA8BCoBwn (15 minutes about WTC7)

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