According to political data analytics firm Crowdpac, Cornell is the fourth most liberal university as ranked by faculty political donations. University of Michigan takes the crown, followed by UC Santa Barbara and University of Wisconsin.
Ranked on a scale from 10L to 10C (most liberal to most conservative), Cornell clocks in at 8.32L, compared to U-Michigan’s 8.72L. In comparison, Bob Jones University in South Carolina is the most conservative university, with a ranking of 9.12C. The ranking model, developed by Stanford professors, is explained on Crowdpac’s website.

It’s disturbing to see any university ranked so high on either side; in fact, the most conservative university is more conservative than the most liberal is liberal, according to this ranking system. But if you take a close look you’ll notice that the range on the left side of the chart is 0.70 whereas that for the conservative universities is 5.62. This might make Bob Jones a mere outlier on the conservative side whereas there are plenty universities only tenths or hundredths of points below Dartmouth.
Anyway, it’s great to see Cornell top another college ranking and especially great to see it top the Ivy League.
Go Big Red!