February 22, 2025

5 thoughts on “Cornell President Says Government Should Regulate Speech to ‘Serve a Compelling State Interest’

  1. Jessica B says:

    Were any of the professors mentioned in this article employed in any other field besides academia, or were they just stuck in their own bubble their whole lives?

  2. Gary Fouse says:

    I am not a professor-just an adjunct teacher at the University of California at Irvine Extension, but I will interject a comment here. Every dictator from Hitler to Stalin to Mao has uttered similar words as Garrett. This is what the “progressive” left stands for-the stamping out of speech they don’t agree with. Students should be marching demanding her resignation. (But I’m sure they areb’t.)

  3. Walt in DC says:

    What will she say if the next president of the US says it’s in the state’s interest that she, her ‘progressive’ faculty and students STFU?

  4. LD says:

    Cornell President Elizabeth Garrett is politically correct to Hecate dyslogia sorcery IFO alternative government. Weather that’s a good or bad thing depends on the intelligence of the people thus effected. The University mind tends to be pretty bright, so there’s no way Cornell students do not know where she is headed with this: radical transformation of the rule of law.

  5. BB says:

    Mrs. Stalin ought to be relieved of her duties immediately.

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