In a recent Cornell Sun article covering faculty political donations, of which 96% have gone to Democrats in the past four years, several Cornell professors were quoted on their thoughts about the lack of political diversity on campus.
The article itself is a rehash of report by The Cornell Review done several weeks ago, and offers mostly nothing new about the patently obvious domination of liberal and progressive professors at Cornell.
According to the Sun, government professor Andrew Little suggested hiring Republicans would compromise the quality of Cornell’s professors. He was quoted saying, “Placing more emphasis on diversity of political beliefs when hiring [would] almost certainly require sacrificing on general quality or other dimensions of diversity.”

Another government professor, Richard Bensel, also said, “Our job is not to mold the minds of young students — they’ll go out into the world and do that for themselves… Cornell does not have to be a banquet that offers every viewpoint.”
More quotes:
“It is not surprising that faculty at Cornell find the anti-scientific rhetoric of many in the Republican Party to be troublesome,” Prof. Kenneth McClane, English, said. “Many of us here are scientists — we believe in global warming, since we believe what the research tells us.”
Bensel echoed this claim, saying that recent Republican debates have illustrated the deviation of “mainstream conservatives” from views that are widely accepted by intellectuals at reputable universities.
“I think many mainstream Republicans have views that are anti-intellectual and anti-science,” he said. “There are candidates who are creationists, don’t believe in climate change and claim that Obama’s a Muslim. Ted Cruz, for example, should not teach here.”
The only reason I am pointing these out is to show that the lack of political diversity at Cornell and other universities is not an accident, it is the product of purposeful design. It has reached the point of where there is not even a need to hide these motives. Professorial arrogance is the true face of modern academia, and indoctrination, rather than education, is the true goal.
In other breaking news: the sun rose today.
As Little and Bensel are government professors (I hesitate to say they “teach” government) they must be aware that they are carrying on a proud tradition. At one time, many “intellectuals”, (including Abraham Lincoln), believed that blacks / negroes / African-Americans were intellectually inferior to whites.
Diversity? The GOP is still Reagan’s Republican Party. Look at the GOP candidates’ stances on race and gender issues, and congressional representation. http://killingthebreeze.com/gop-2016-still-predominantly-old-white-christian-and-male/
Because CU is increasingly becoming the East Coast satellite of the progressive (Socialist?) UC Berkeley, many of my generation are no longer donating to CU. Will CU should hire the noted intellectuals Rev Wright, Bill Ayres, Bernadette Dorin, Al Franken, and Rep Grayeson ?
WRT climate change – the faculty seems to forget that the climate has changed over the centuries – the issue is to what extent is man (and specifically the US is responsible, and what are the feasible cost effective solutions.
Finally, the Far Left liberals define diversity by race, gender, and skin color – but not ideas. Ezra would be ashamed.
Mr. Cipolla, please email cornellreview@cornell.edu. I would like to discuss more in depth your statements about not donating to Cornell. Thank you.