February 22, 2025

5 thoughts on “Cornell Student Assembly Ponders ‘Restructuring’ and Concludes Race-Based Elections are a Good Idea

  1. David Breznick says:

    To go forward, the SA will first have to resolve these conundrums:

    1) For bi-racial students, in which Minority Representative race-based election will zhe be permitted to vote?

    2) For bi-gendered / intersex / third gendered students, etc.

  2. Gregory Goldberg says:

    Better idea. Only white male students get to vote.

  3. Carson O says:

    If a minority wins the general election, do whites get a special representative. Look at your demographics – are white men really in the majority? This is getting a little absurd. I get the fact that all need a voice, but that is what a cabinet and special representatives are for. You are opening up a can of worms that will not work in the long run.

  4. SPlofton says:

    Good luck- you’re gonna need it. These marxist, frankfurt school culture of critique ideology toting neanderthals are going to run you over time and time again. Words mean very little. These are the same sort of people who spout, with a straight face, that “a posts trans-sexual woman is biologically female.”. Words, logic, and statistics mean next to nothing and they are essentially hivemind at this point.

    It’s ironic, really, that at the turn of the century the anti-fascists became what they most hated. Perhaps it’s a case of projecting – they saw in fascists everything they hated within themselves and in attempting to overturn the perceived evils of what they called fascism, that is what they became.

    The thing is – nobody is really at fault, individually. This type of thinking gets its power from groupthink and a form of doublespeak. The extreme pandering to racial and social minorities is done out of fear of social ostracizing wherein the idea of racial self-awareness for cisgendered caucasian males is the greatest possible sin.

    It’s puss n boots syndrome. The lie is repeated so often that the it transcends reality.

  5. White male privilege says:

    “Ostensibly, SA members would feel justified in assuring the doleful student that his problems are menial compared to the struggles of the average minority on Cornell’s campus. ”

    You go to CORNELL. Spare me the guilt trip.

    Are campus republicans going to get their own representative. I can assure you they are a underrepresented minority at this school.

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