March 29, 2025

5 thoughts on “Cornell Students to Decide Whether to #FreetheTampon

  1. James M says:

    I’m very upset about this new proposal to provide feminine hygiene products in men’s bathrooms. The sight of these products in what was until now a males-only “safe space” triggers me so that I feel very unsafe. Although these males-only bathrooms are divisive and deny menstruating male students the inclusivity desired by the overwhelming majority of Cornell students, has anyone given one single thought to the crushing disappointments that are borne by biologically-assigned males who are unable to participate in the monthly cycle of menstruation, or in the gestation of their own infants? As an already-marginalized victim of these unfair life realities, why must Cornell move deliberately to augment the daily slights and micro-aggressions that constantly reaffirm the second-class victimhood and dehumanization of those persons who happen to be anatomically male through nobody’s fault?

    It is time to say, “Enough!” It seems that kicking a male person while he is down is no longer an adequate humiliation; now Cornell seems to want to douse such a male person with gasoline and then throw a lit match to watch that male person burn. When will we open our eyes to this overt hatred and learn to love our fellow hu-person?

  2. David Breznick says:



    SON !!!

    Sexism at its worst! Favoring one gender over all the others!

    I am having a PANIC ATTACK !!

    Next time please use the correct, administratively-authorized term, huperchild.

  3. Norman says:

    What a disgustingly sexist article. “Tampons and pads are not necessary.” Try telling that to the average woman whose period comes early and catches her off-guard so she has to stuff toilet paper into her vagina because she doesn’t carry around quarters so she can’t buy a tampon from the dispenser. You clearly don’t menstruate so stop telling us women what we do and do not need.
    Periods are highly inconvenient and highly unpredictable. It’s impossible to be 100% prepared at all times. This petition is not so much about helping women afford these products as it is about helping women not bleed through their fucking pants. Cornell will obviously only provide the cheapest products available, so the majority of women would still supply themselves with more comfortable options. The free ones would serve for the most part as a last resort for women who aren’t prepared — something that is in everyone’s best interest.
    “It’s worth noting that this money would only benefit half of the population”. That seems like a pretty sizable percentage if you ask me! Should every policy decision be nixed unless 100% of the population benefit? Maybe we should get rid of financial aid too. Why should the responsibility of financing a college education fall on the rich?
    Stupid article written by a stupid, selfish man.

    1. Glenn Dornbaum says:

      FYI, this article is written by a woman. Clearly you do not know how to read.

    2. Max says:

      Laura’s preferred pronouns are she and her.
      She is a woman.

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