February 23, 2025

2 thoughts on “Cornell to Administer Controversial Sexual Assault Survey

  1. David Breznick says:

    I smell a conflict of interest.

  2. josephurban says:

    Sexual assault has been an issue swept under the carpet by universities for many years. It was true when I attended a large state university back in the dark ages (1968-72). Sexual assault cases were either ignored, minimized or denied to exist. Traditionally assaults were handled by “campus police”, which was a joke. School were effectively a no police zone. except in very special cases.
    No data was collected so no evidence was available. After all, what parent wants to send their daughter to a school where she has a better than average chance of being assaulted on campus. Look at the schools refusing to participate. Ask yourself why ? They certainly do not want the hallowed reputations dirtied by data!
    Schools have not addressed this problem of violence against women in the last 50 years. It is time for society to take charge. Schools cannot be sanctuaries for violence against women.

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