February 23, 2025

1 thought on “Daily Sun Panicking Again, Peddling Martha Robertson’s ‘War on Women’ Charges

  1. josephurban says:

    There is no “war on women” by the GOP or Tom Reed. While I support Robertson I think that language is too strong. There is, however, a lack of understanding of poverty by the GOP. And a lack of understanding how poverty has an effect on poor women and women with children. This is seen in the cuts to food stamps and attempts to dismantle the ACA. It is seen in the refusals to expand Medicare and Medicaid (thankfully not in NY thanks to Governor Cuomo). And it is seen in the opposition to a woman’s right to choose whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. A health care decision that should be between a woman and her doctor, not a political decision made by non-medical politicos.(A good example of this mentality is the Virginia law, passed by the GOP, which REQUIRES a woman to undergo a vaginal probe if she is considering an abortion.) For the record, Mr. Reed does NOT support a woman’s right to an abortion. He does not support her right to control her own body. Once pregnant, he wants decision making about that body to belong to the state. Big brother and big government will tell a woman whether she can or cannot terminate a pregnancy. While not a “war on women”, in general the GOP ideology diminishes the citizenship and rights of women, especially poor women who have few options as it is.

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