In even-numbered years, the graduate and professional students elect a student trustee, and in the odd-numbered years, the undergraduate students elect a student trustee. Prior to 2005, the undergraduate and graduate students voted for both seats together.
The campaign included a September 25 candidate forum with voting on October 1 through October 6. The results were announced on October 8, with Orlu confirmed at the October Trustee meeting.
In the election, 1053 votes were cast, with 9 empty ballots. This was a 10% voter turnout. The Hare System is used to select the winner with Orlu defeating Cameron Hines in the final round by 616 to 261.
Orlu’s parents live in Washington DC. She described herself at the candidates forum, “I am a proud third culture kid.” Orlu is Nigerian but grew up in South Africa. During the forum, Orlu claimed the biggest issue facing Cornell and the Trustees is a “breakdown of trust.”
Orlu’s written statement promises to advocate for “free TCAT services, subsidize housing, child care, and parking for graduate students.”
Prior to attending Cornell, Orlu earned her undergraduate degree at the University of Pittsburgh where she was active as President of the Resident Students Association.