February 24, 2025

7 thoughts on “Former Cornell “Professor” Cynthia McKinney Supports (Another) African Dictator

  1. lukepolicastro says:

    This woman is ill. Nagowski’s call is an opportunity for the present administration to shake off some of Cornell’s former myopia.

  2. Why says:

    Why would you use this as an opportunity to bash the “Stun” from like a decade ago? And bash “liberals” on campus–as if they were and are a monolith? Grow up, kid.

  3. 2014 says:

    Hey moron, maybe he took the opportunity because it means pointing out that clowns like yourself on campus and in the daily newspaper never think about the s*** they write or say when they blindly support somebody like this. I personally don’t see anything wrong with calling out people in public positions – newspapers, Africana directors – when they’re being shortsighted. F***ing idiot, grow up.

  4. Why says:

    LOL okay kid born in 1993. You realize you were like eight years old when those “daily newspaper” people wrote what they wrote, and that the people who man EVERY publication on campus change 100% every four years, meaning that this blog is calling out the opinions of people who have ZERO to do with the current editorial writers in the “daily newspaper” and are now probably married and raising children and hold different beliefs than they did when they were your age, right? If you think you’ve scored points because you don’t think you “blindly support” people (whilst attacking an organization that doesn’t acknowledge your existence because of who used to be a part of it during a political climate you have no frame of reference for) then you truly are a child. Living in residence for a semester and maybe pledging a frat hasn’t changed that, kid. Try a little harder.

  5. Michael Alan says:

    Staffs and editors on campus publications affect the tone and culture of those publications long after they’ve left, as they’ve helped define the publication in the past and play a big role in choosing and training the writers that follow them. This is something that is true at the Review and is certainly true at the Sun. If anything, the Stun is more liberal today than it was in the past because the Review has done a better job of bringing in the conservative writers that would otherwise be today’s Joe Sabia or Jamie Weinstein at the Sun.

    I also don’t know why you’re picking on 90s babies. Are you saying that current students aren’t qualified to talk about issues that arose before they came on campus? Where does all of your enlightening perspective come from?

  6. Who (2014) says:

    [@Why]: Not sure where to start here, but I’ll preface it again with: hey moron.

    Nice quick math on my age but as you may know some students take a year off between college, like I did in Indonesia to learn a little more about an indigenous foreign culture. I’m also a little ‘old’ for my grade, so I was actually born in 1990. Even though none of this matters, it’s relevant information to show that you’re a presumptuous douche that began his post with an unnecessarily patronizing statement that turned out to be incorrect. Dumbass.

    Secondly I think you’re missing the big picture: the political ideology espoused by the daily newspaper has pretty much stayed the same over the past ten years. Though it’s impressive that you’re familiar with the cycle that sees editors come and go, you may be interested to know – since you’re obviously a curious intellectual – that the opinion pieces by those editorial staffs are available ONLINE for viewing! If you check them out you’ll probably find the political climate at the Sun has been quite stagnant.

    Also, are you saying that the Daily Sun doesn’t acknowledge the Review’s existence? Again, check out the online version of the Sun…

    Finally, I’m not in a frat. You know, I don’t always agree with the viewpoints on this blog but I read it because I’m sick and tired of all the whiny little brats like Why coming on here and complaining about how awful the writers are because they don’t agree. And the liberals (I am one, believe it or not) can never admit to being wrong, and always try to come up with the wittiest, snappiest, arrogant comments instead of examining the information at hand and replying intellectually.

    On that note, you suck.

  7. JPMITB says:

    2014, I wouldn’t find “Who”s assumption of your age too surprising considering the language you use in your comments. In fact, you don’t even sound like you were born in 1993, you sound like an entitled freshman in high school who watches too much South Park.

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