February 23, 2025

4 thoughts on “Freeloaders in the Southern Tier

  1. American says:

    This article is preposterous and violates many positions of the great Democratic Party. The poor, regardless of condition, should be provided with housing and food. Also, it is imperative that all basic survival necessities of Americans must be met. Why should not the rich be taxed further? They more than adequate monetary resources; wealth should be spread among Americans. The writer of this article is clearly a puppet of the industrial complex and could care less about the rotting and dying poor. What a shame.

  2. Whatadick says:

    The author of this article is a douche.

  3. Libra says:

    I would like to comment on the statement made that ‘wealth should be spread among Americans’. this is a communist/marxist belief (look it up if you don’t believe me) Is that what you want for America, for it to become like Russia? Think about it and do some research.

  4. Stan Tenopir says:

    Get rid of our socialist President and permit the economy to function as it should instead of this administrations commie czars intent to make the US a third-rate banana republic.

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