February 22, 2025

5 thoughts on “GHEORGHIU | Healthcare is Not a Right

  1. Brooke says:

    Agreed. This guy should be our next president in my opinion.

  2. Irene says:

    Excellent article and love the part … “To them I plead, please pick up a book, any book, on psychology, economics, or history. Learn about the world you live in and its inhabitants before you surrender the freedoms that made America a haven for enterprise since its inception.”

    Unfortunately, not too many will although I sure hope they do!

  3. Malvina Farcasiu says:

    Congratulations,young man! This is brilliant.

  4. Jessica Hall says:

    Extremely well written. You are a very bright young man, and I hope our future leaders see things as clearly as you do!

  5. Deborah Cunningham says:

    Very poignant with an amazing grasp of health care today.
    Hope people will listen before it is too late

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