Mel Gibson is a man of extremes. Six years ago, the immense success of Passion of the Christ was only the icing on a decade-long cake filled with Academy Awards and renowned milestone films. Yesterday, he completed his winding, inebriated fall from grace after an audio recording was released by Radar Online of the actor / director berating girlfriend Oksana Girgorieva and threatening to kill her.
The recording goes on for a wild eight minutes as Gibson transcends from his familiar near-comical slurred diatribe to a chilling and increasingly more maniacal tirade against his baby’s mother. Among countless attacks on her personality, soul, and body, Gibson says she deserved to be hit by him and she needs a bat in the side of her head. The audio is disturbing and cruel.
Gibson confirmed what has seemed evident for years since his Jew-slur booze cruise of 2006 – he is an alcoholic with an extremely short rage meter and a whole lot of hate. He is an extremely troubled individual. But what makes the audio clip so eerie and absorbing is Gibson’s indescribable intensity and rage. His bellowing voice sounds like a demon and his screaming is so impassioned that he has trouble breathing near the end. His suffering is audible. No matter why, Gibson is a person who is obviously experiencing an incredible amount of pain and emotional collapse.
But as the media place Gibson at the bottom of the degenerate pile and judgments fly, the fact remains that Mel Gibson is a human being. He suffers from anger, depression, alcoholism, anxiety, and what he claims to be a woman who is manipulating him for her own financial gain. If you don’t personally know someone who has experienced similar emotional stress, then you’re a rarity; if you do know someone, then hopefully you will examine Gibson fairly. Unlike Christian Bale or Russel Crowe, Gibson shows no signs of megalomania or malicious pride in his raving speech – primarily, he seems desperate.
What Gibson said and did to Girgorieva is despicable and seemingly inexcusable, but unfortunately he will be treated as the lowest of lows by the mainstream media. The Left loves capitalizing on Gibson’s outbursts because it is an opportunity to tarnish a Christian icon and a politically incorrect Hollywood figure. They enjoy nothing more than exacerbating the idea a hypocritical religious and conservative man. Gibson’s “bury you in the rose garden” quote will be heard over and over, but Black Panther Leader King Zulu Shabazz’s “you got to kill some white babies” quote will remain unheard.
Because of this, any person willing to show empathy for Gibson will be denounced. Whoopi Goldberg claimed her extensive friendship with Gibson confirmed that he wasn’t a racist, despite his use of the n-bomb in a recording. She was assaulted on the web yesterday. Robert DeNiro simply said he hopes Mel gets through this – according to the Left, he ‘came to Gibson’s defense.’ Gibson said some awful things. Unfortunately for his enemies, he is still a person.
Unfortunately he seems to be more of a lost person than an evil one. His wife left him, he has boozing problems, his girlfriend has dumped him now, and the public abhore him. But over-indulgence and dubious racial epithets are probably wrongs many people, including his critics, have indulged in. Gibson has been unfortunate enough to have his weaknesses, and they are terrible, played out in the public eye.
Absolutely right. One thing that I was going to mention is precisely what you pointed out – that the errors he has made are most certainly ones shared by his critics. To pretend as if the other incredibly unstable and unlawful Hollywood relationships never evolve into hateful shouting matches is preposterous.