February 24, 2025

3 thoughts on “Give Tax-Cuts Back, Cornell Prof’s Website Says

  1. Dennis Shiraev says:

    “We’re trying to enable individuals to make happen what would have been if the Bush tax cuts to the rich had not been extended.”

    This is a bit misleading. There’s an assumption here that the collected tax money would have been spent towards areas that are as equally “applicable to the economy” as these charitable causes.

  2. Peter Bouris says:

    “When it comes to the wealthiest tax brackets, these people tend to operate with a lower marginal propensity to consume. They don’t spend their money in ways that stimulate the economy.”

    This too is misleading, as it simply assumes spending is what drives an economy.

    Je déteste le Keynesianisme.

  3. mja93 says:

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