March 31, 2025

1 thought on “Cornell Liberals’ Fantasy: Redefine Freedom for Sake of Gun Control

  1. Gene Ralno says:

    Someone ought to educate Emily. Here’s a start. Gun control is a great distraction from Hillary’s email security breach and Benghazi. It’s also a great distraction from the fact that the other candidate is a self-avowed socialist. But as an issue, it’s a wild concoction intended to distract from government failures and nothing more. We need to be careful about our laws because government meddling might make things worse. Fact is things are not as bad as leftists told her they are. For example, consider worldwide murder rates. Of 218 nations, the U.S. ranks 108th, about in the middle. Stated another way, your chances of being murdered in the U.S. are 47 ten-thousandths of a percent (.000047). In one of the safest nations, France, your chances are one ten-thousandths of a percent (.000001). That’s a difference of 46 ten-thousandths of a percent, a pretty small number any way you look at it. Perhaps statisticians don’t lie after all. But doubtlessly, statists do.

    Regardless of the infinitesimally small differences, nations with higher murder rates include Greenland, South Africa, Kenya, Thailand, Brazil, Argentina, Lithuania, Eritrea, Palestine, Pakistan, several UK and French islands, a number of other South American nations, many Gulf and Caribbean resort vacation islands, Russia and of course Mexico. Most have draconian gun control. Those ranked near the U.S., within two murders per hundred thousand, include India, Egypt, New Caledonia, Taiwan, Nepal, Malta, Micronesia, Cuba, Fiji and Maldives. When considering those with lower murder rates, think about the number of murders by illegal aliens, a major factor in the U.S. and in no other nation on earth.

    According to the 2014 FBI Uniform Crime Report, Expanded Homicide Data table 8, between 2012 and 2014, total firearm murders in the U.S. declined 8.7%. Total homicides committed with a rifle declined 16.6%. Shotgun homicides declined 15.5%. These declines were not due to the constant yammering by leftists and in fact Congress consistently declines to take action, even after the Sandy Hook atrocity. Seems our Congresspersons are getting smarter. By the way, since 2010, murders with rifles declined 32.5%, a success that should discourage government tinkering. The recent appellate court ruling stated rifles are “disproportionately used” but FBI data indicates their use is rare. Knowing this, choosing how you feel about gun control is as easy as choosing up sides on a playground. The only ones who favor it are nuts, felons and democrats. All you have to do is choose those you want for teammates.

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