Feliz Cumpleanos to the 8-year old known as the 5-4 Supreme Court decision to stop voter recounts in Bush v. Gore. On this day eight years ago, Gore finally had to be a big boy and pass up the oval office to GW. With all of the incessant Bush-mongering and outward hatred towards the man, I’m sure the majority of people will not be celebrating this day.
I can confidently say that I am. So, for a change, I think we can see Bush in a positive light; after all, it is (sort of) his birthday.
Despite the state that our country is currently in, I am standing by my belief that we have been better off with George instead of Al. I admire Bush for a few things. I don’t admire Gore for a few things.
After the September 11 attacks, our president has done an extremely successful job keeping Americans safe in our homeland. I think that people tend to forget about this. He has put the heat onto domestic and foreign terrorists and captured or killed many Al Qaeda big wheels and those involved in 9/11. After the terrorist attacks, the Bush administration improved security, scrutiny, and proactive defense instead of being on the rebound. Did they listen to a few phone calls? Did they pull some middle eastern-looking people aside in the airport? Did they detain some sketchy guys? Maybe. Did we have another attack on U.S. soil?
Are terrorists everyday planning and attempting to wreak havoc? Absolutely. These people don’t stop at anything. Their goal is to hurt, kill, and cause catastrophe. Their motive: hate. To think that the lack of a terrorist attack is due purely to blind luck and discretion of the terrorists is just short of idiotic. While both Europe and India have been subject to devastating terrorism, and plans within the U.S. have been foiled, our country has remained untouched.
My other reason for admiring Bush is probably one that will be met with some dissent. I admire him because he is a man who does what he says and acts on what he believes. He is not afraid to take the heat when he is wrong, but he surely stands by what he thinks is best. Granted, we have seen that sometimes his plans are faulty (Iraq, No Child Left Behind, …some of you will find more…). However, Bush acts strongly on his intelligence and facts provided and doesn’t falter from what he says is his plan.
Had the events of the past eight years fallen into the hands of Al Gore, I’m sure some things would be different. Would September 11 still have occurred with Al in office? Of course – I feel like a lot of people don’t realize this, either. The wheels were far in motion before anyone stopped counting ballots today eight years ago. The main problem I see is that I can’t picture Gore holding a stern face and rooted stance against pure evil in the form of terrorism. I see a lot of fruitless talking and negotiations, while planning and acts of terrorism go on.
So, eight years later, I say happy birthday to Bush/Florida/Supreme Court.
Plus, what does Gore need that extra weight of the oval office for? He already has the inventions of the internet and global warming (or is it climate change now?) to deal with.
Excellent article. The overt animosity and bush hating that emerges from the public are mostly due to his stance on social issues and belief of traditional values. While he is surely no fiscal conservative and has managed to grow exponentially the size of the government under his watch, I think that 5-10 years from now people may actually look back and say that his unwavering approach against Islamic fundamentalism was as critical and important as Reagan’s against the expansion of communist russia…As Reagan will be remembered as the man who saved the world from soviet communism, Bush will be remembered as the man who saved the world from Islamic fascism.
Absolutely – one cannot overlook the fact that wartime presidents are met with low approval ratings. In a period of time where sadly, American lives are lost every day, it is typically retrospect that yields the most certain judgment on our leaders.