Tracy Mitrano JD ‘95 (Cornell photo)
Heard at Cornell is a column that regularly quotes important statements from Cornellians. This excerpt is taken from a January 29 op-ed in Inside Higher Education written by Tracy Mitrano JD ‘95 entitled “Masters of the universe: Leave Martha Alone.” Mitrano wrote:
[I]t is wrong for some wealthy hedge-fund players to be throwing their weight around at her expense. If there are concerns about this matter or that, DEI or anything else, these matters can be addressed in the appropriate manner of board governance. There is absolutely nothing, and I repeat, nothing President Pollack has done that warrants resignation.
Repeatedly I find that these individuals might know a lot about coding or building a business or making tons of money in hedge funds, but they know little about the First Amendment, national security or historical patterns of artificially inflated egos and the potential to corrupt.
Mitrano currently teaches at the Brooks School and was the Democratic candidate for the local U.S. House of Representatives seat in 2018 and 2020.