Heard at Cornell is a column that regularly quotes important statements from Cornellians. A protester at the February 8 occupation of Mann Library said through the amplification of his megaphone:
We refuse to let things go on as normal when 30,000 people have been killed and we are impacted. Our struggles are connected. So, we will continue to agitate, disrupt, until this institution divests.
A protester inside Olin Library said:
There will be no business as usual while the genocide goes on in Gaza.
In response, Vice President of University Relations, Joel Malina, said in a formal statement:
While Cornell values and protects students’ right to free expression, including the right to protest, those protests must comply with our time, place, and manner guidelines to ensure the ability of our faculty and students to teach and learn without disruption.
The initial library space was cleared in a little over 10 minutes, but the students then went on to other libraries, where again the police were called to intervene. Identified students have been referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards for disciplinary action.
Although the student who posted “Zionists Must Die” on January 10 has been suspended pending a hearing, no announcements have been made regarding the suspension of the leaders or other protesters involved in the Mann Library “occupation.”