March 3, 2025

1 thought on “Hilarious Inauguration Insider

  1. Jacob Sampter says:

    The writer from Georgetown interprets the security issue at its extreme. If a liberal were to argue for the lack of security, one would say this is Obama’s practice of entrusting his citizens with transparency that is not blocked by the authoritarian figures whom successfully cloaked Bush and rendered him inaccessible to the general public during his administration. The lack of men in batons and badges (you can also trace this back to the historical state-police intervention in racial demos)represents Obama’s accessibility as the people’s president.

    If this guy queers about a crowded place where people bottleneck at the entrance, he obviously has not been in a frat party, a theme park, or a concert in his life. I suppose his girlfriend can come to acknowledge his crowd-phobia.

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