March 31, 2025

2 thoughts on “Inside the Mind of: SA EVP Candidate Alex Pruce

  1. Dan Cobb says:

    As the debater representing the GOP, Mr. Pruce compared gay people to animals. When someone engages in rhetorical parallelism equating gay marriage with human/animal beastiality, the speaker is essentially equating a gay man (or woman) with a beast. There is an equation at work that says: gay marraige = bestiality. And: two males married to each other = one human and one animal. This casual slander is outrageous. By his own words, Mr. Pruce’s prejudice and bigotry toward gays is overt and hateful. By mocking the love of a man for his same-sex partner in this way, he reveals his own failure to appreciate that such a love is no different than a straight man’s love for his wife. Let me add this for Mr. Pruce to consider: the people I have met who can so glibly denigrate the love and affection two people have for each other often turn out to be people who are incapable of loving others. Such people see marriage as nothing more than a series of social obligations and familial duties: sex, provision of food on the table, protect/nurture off-spring– all of which equates to a dutiful marriage, but a loveless one none-the-less. Well, for people who can truly feel deeply for another person, marriage is more than just fulfilling socially required obligations and duties. Some people actually do live up to the promise of marriage by genuinely loving the person to whom they are married, straight or gay. Mr. Pruce, perhaps you may wish to refrain in the future from denigrating a more elevated human experience (love, affection and respect for another person) about which you appear to know precious little. Comparing gays to animals may be hilarious to the sophomoric, but the love and affection they feel is real. Having their mostly deeply felt love and affection casually tossed aside as akin to a man loving his dog is mean in the extreme, and shows an utter failure to comprehend the nature of love. As you grow older, I hope for you will learn a little about the power of these very elevated human emotions.

  2. Michael Alan says:

    Mr. Cobb, this is what happens when you get your news from the Daily Stun. I urge you to look at the correction posted online and Alex’s comment on the story’s page.
    ^Scroll to the bottom of the story for the correction and comments.

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