Joe Biden’s Presidency is Built on Lies and Deceit

Photo: Matt Slocum/Associated Press
Since Joe Biden’s entire candidacy for President of the United States was based on a lie, it should come as no surprise that his presidency is more of the same. Upon launching his campaign in April 2019, Biden stated he was running to “restore the soul of America”, and falsely claimed that President Trump praised neo-Nazis. Later in the election cycle, he promised he would “get the virus under control”, only to take office and declare “there’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic”. Then, just last night during a CNN Townhall, President Biden falsely claimed his administration “didn’t have” the vaccine when they took office. His claim is demonstrably false. He himself was vaccinated while former President Trump was still in office.
Biden, however, is not the only member of the executive branch to mislead the American people about the production and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Vice President Kamala Harris recently claimed that the new administration was “starting from scratch”. This too was untrue, as even Dr. Fauci admitted.
Postmodernism, a widespread idea in academia that has increasingly bled into mainstream culture, argues there is no objective reality. According to this view, facts themselves can be biased, which is why some professors are now alleging that math is racist. That is why Republican political operatives were wrong to overlook Biden’s, “we choose truth over facts” line during a campaign event in Iowa. By dismissing Biden’s comment as a mere gaffe, they missed an important opportunity to highlight Biden’s allegiance to the ideological far Left. His remarks represented more than a mere verbal slip-up: they demonstrated Biden’s commitment to an ideology hellbent on destroying America.
Not only is Joe Biden’s latest stint in politics dishonest – it is completely fake. Despite vowing to advocate for mainstreet, Biden accepted $74 million in political contributions from Wall Street. In contrast to his promises to fight for union workers, Biden’s first actions as president included cancelling the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and the southern border wall. These policies are expected to cost 11,000 and 5,000 jobs, respectively. Even Richard Trumka, president of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, criticized Biden for his actions.
President Biden is one of the most deceitful men to ever occupy the Oval Office. He is little more than a figurehead for globalist elites who seek to destroy our national sovereignty and curtail individual liberty. If Biden ran an honest campaign, promising to abolish America’s borders, kill thousands of jobs, and render the country dependent on foreign adversaries for oil, he would not have won a single state. Instead, aided and abetted by the liberal media, multinational corporations, and big tech conglomerates, Joe Biden lied his way to the presidency.