February 27, 2025

12 thoughts on “Keith Olbermann ’79 Picks Yet Another Fight with a Fellow Cornellian

  1. Student says:

    This website used to be interesting until it became a lamer redstate.com and wannabe-IvyGate.

  2. Student #2 says:

    Yeah, I completely agree. This website was great for Cornell News, but this petty crap is just stupid.

    Go back to your old model of reporting good news and not lame “Olbermann is mean and we dont like him” BS.

  3. student #3 says:

    Disagree- this is interesting Cornell-related stuff you wouldn’t find elsewhere.

  4. HA! says:

    +1. This is good stuff I wouldn’t have known about otherwise.

  5. Why do you lie says:

    That whole incident is on camera. We have proof that he didn’t throw a temper tantrum. Are you trying to let your readers know that you can’t be trusted to report the news?

  6. mike says:

    This is just a straight up bashing, no substance at all. And it wasnt factual. As much as I hate Keith, he is employed, by Current TV. Just cause he’s not on air doesn’t mean he’s unemployed. Common fellow conservatives, stop being such idiots and get some hard facts!

  7. Why Do You Post says:

    Oh come on I’m not anti-KO at all but I’d say throwing a paper down and crumpling it in defiance can reasonably be spun as a ‘temper tantrum’…

  8. someone says:

    stop this commentary shit and just stick to Cornell news blogging, you guys did a good job with that now you’re just sinking to the level of progressive/review

  9. Brendan Patrick Devine says:

    It is the Review

  10. Dennis Shiraev says:

    as evidenced by the banner “a blog by the writers of the Cornell Review”

  11. someone says:

    Dennis – I know this is written by the writers of the review, but I guess from its history I was expecting much less political commentary and bantering and more “insider” Cornell news. I really like your news reports – they are interesting and reference other sources so I don’t have to worry about political commentary. But honestly if I wanted commentary I would just read the Review/Progressive.

    My two cents: stick to news. Sorry but it’s all I really want to read…

  12. JPMITB says:

    what I’ve been saying from the beginning….

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