Racism should be condemned in all its forms. Saturday, a white supremacist mad man opened fire at a supermarket in a predominantly black neighborhood in Buffalo, killing 10 people. He was clearly motivated by race based on his writings and online posts. This is reprehensible beyond expression. 10 innocent lives were lost to senseless violence on Saturday. 10 real people: mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, wives, husbands, cousins, friends. Their lives had meaning. Their lives had intrinsic value. We need to come together as a nation and as a world, and not shed any more blood and hate over immutable characteristics such as race. We are better as a people – one people, the human race – than this display of horror and tragedy. We must rise above and past racism. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. They will be in my prayers.
As Cornell President Martha Pollack said in her statement yesterday, “this shooting was practically in our backyard”. The Cornell Review stands firmly for equality and justice for all Americans. Law enforcement and the justice system should enforce the harshest possible punishment on the shooter. His actions are antithetical to everything this country stands for.
Joe Silverstein, Editor in Chief