March 31, 2025

4 thoughts on “Liberty and Justice For All: Reforming the Prison System

  1. Jimmy Carbonaro says:

    It would be kind to say that Social Justice Warriors want equal outcome, not equal opportunity. What SJW’s are really after is returning humanity to tribalism & Group Rights.

  2. David Behar says:

    Blacks get longer sentences because they have committed 4 times as many violent crimes as others, prior to sentencing. There is no disparity in sentencing once prior conduct is factored. Biased result from any sentencing algorithm comes from prior conduct. The latter is the best predictor of future conduct.

    The biggest beneficiaries of these longer sentences are the black neighbors of these vicious predators. They are irremediable because they were fatherless, and had no one to teach them rules. Incapacitation is the sole real benefit of incarceration.The other purposes are fraudulent propaganda by Democrat rent seekers.

    Solitary confinement is beneficial to both the victims of aggressive prisoners, and to the aggressive prisoners themselves. Stop repeating false leftist propaganda.

    Your comments on drug users are obsolete. At worse, one now gets a ticket for open use of drugs.

    1. Jimmy Carbonaro says:

      I was a civilian employee of the NY DOC for 4 years. What I can tell you from my experience there was that black inmates considered it a badge of honor to have served time in prison; sort of the way whites in general view being a veteran of the armed forces.

      Not that any of them ever came right out & said this; but you can piece things together after a while. It was as if being a convict made them officially black; that any black who had not served at least a few years behind bars was not genuinely black.

      Another thing which was said to me, this time by one of the DA’s, was how few of the adolescence inmates had someone contact the police to file a missing person report. For an adult, they must be missing for at least 24 hours before the police will consider them missing. But for a minor, if they are 24 minutes late getting home from school, a missing person report can be registered. These kids, some as young as 14, could be in police custody for a week before anyone noticed that they were gone.

      This is the end product of 55 years of Social Service programs.

  3. David Behar says:

    They networked, and upgraded the criminal career in prison.

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