March 6, 2025

2 thoughts on “Maureen Dowd’s expertise on racism

  1. krycheq says:

    Typical liberal hypocrisy… if a conservative had written her words pertaining to a jeer from a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, there would be riots in the streets. As it is… she will be written off by conservatives and receive quiet nods from the left.

  2. Paul says:

    South Carolina has a long list of dignitaries that includes Lauren Caitlin Upton (Miss Teen USA 2007 pageant contestant), Board of Education Chair, Kristin Maguire, Governor (and avid Appalachian hiker), Mark Sanford and now Joe “the hater not a debater” Wilson or the “screamer not the dreamer” as others have dubbed him. I did enjoy him cut and running through his apology, which only goes to show that he stands for nothing. He is just another good old boy where in the morning these married men preach to you that there should be prayer in our schools and in the evening they are on their cell phones setting up a date with their other women on the side, hypocrisy has been bred in. I am not surprised that he felt compel to yell like he was at some Friday night game. So long Joey, you too will be seeing the unemployment lines.

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