Here is the second installment of Monday Reading Madness! This week’s edition covers topics ranging from all the current top news stories to new developments in astrophysics! There are seven articles – one for each day of the week until the next MRM! so be sure to keep coming back!
– Lee Cary from American Thinker posits some of the unintended consequences of the GM bankruptcy/nationalization earlier this week.
– Once again, the KrautHAMMER delivers with a great opinion article of Obama’s Cairo speech in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
-For those of you who have lost track of this story over the past seven months, it now seems that Al Franken will be successful in his Minnesota Senatorial bid.
– Yes, we just had our elections about seven months ago, but there is already chatter about the possible Republican nominee in 2012. The list is pretty predictable, although they do throw in the dark horse Jeb Bush.
– Apparently Stephen Hawking is now theorizing that that the present actually affects the past? In one word, interesting.
– A frequent critic of the Green Movement, George Will takes on the subject again in a somewhat humorous article inspired by a new politically incorrect television show.
– As a continuation from last week’s photo montage chronicling the bleakness that is North Korea, here is another piece on the NK labor camps now home to American journalists.